Understand Legal and Ethical Issues of Assisted Suicide

1. Discuss the legal rules and regulations on assisted suicide: one state legalizes the assisted suicide, and the other state does not.

In the United States, Oregon and Washington have legalized physician-assisted suicide. This law established by states provides citizens in the state with a right to assisted suicide commonly known as ‘death with dignity.’ In these states, physicians are empowered to aid patients to end their life and have been provided with a legal excuse to a charge of assisted suicide. The law in these states gives specific conditions when and under what circumstances a patient can be allowed to get assistance to end their life. Some of the requirements include that the patient is expected to die within a specified period and that the procedure must follow certain consent guidelines.

In states where there is no law legalizing physician-assisted suicide, an individual or a physician is guilty of promoting suicide attempt when they intentional leads to or assists another person attempt suicide.

2. Discuss the legal issues on assisted suicide (e.g., 2nd-degree murder).

The legal issues arising from physician-assisted suicide is that doctors can be charged with second-degree murder as they would be killing or aiding in the death of a patient intentionally. The legal perspective of homicide is described by the act of bringing about their death or assisting in ending their life, which is the act of assisted suicide. In care facilities, a legal issue arises when a doctor whose responsibility is to do good, aids in the death of a patient who requests assistance to commit suicide. The doctor may be charged and found guilty of assisting another person to commit suicide.

3. Discuss the ethical issues of assisted suicide (e.g., right to die).

Various ethical issues arising from traditions of nursing and medicine have led to opposition of assisted suicide by nursing and medical organizations. The patient’s in care facilities have a right to know their prognosis to make decisions concerning the implementation of life-prolonging treatment. Although patients have a right to make a decision about what they want, the ethical issue that arises is whether they are mentally competent and can make properly informed end of life decisions about their condition. Also, an ethical issue that arises from a patient who has a right to die and seeking to end their life since they are suffering is whether the suffering should be viewed according to the patient’s view or considered in other people’s perspective. An ethical issue on assisted suicide on an individual who has a right to die is whether the approach used is widely acceptable.

4. Shall the person (i.e., a family member) be charged a crime (e.g., murder), who has provided any kind of assistance to another person’s suicide?

A family member who provides any kind of assistance to another individual so as to assist end their life is guilty and may be charged with a crime of manslaughter. The crime is that the person purposely aids another commit suicide regardless of whether the patient was willing or made own decision to end their life. The kind of assistance may include giving advice on how to end life, giving a book that provides guidelines on suicide or even providing pills or medicine or other physical means that causes death.

5. Your feedback and solutions to the issues of assisted suicide, legal and ethical

The subject of assisted suicide whether by a family member or an organization or a physician raises sharp contrasting opinions. Individuals commit or have thoughts of committing suicide for various reasons that range from ending the suffering caused by terminal illnesses or other problems. Governments and states should formulate and enforce laws that prohibit assisted suicide without proper guidelines or advice. The individuals seeking advice on assisted suicide or those who want to commit suicide should have adequate knowledge of the outcome of their actions. Federal and state government should also increase assistance to patients who are suffering or have pain due to some illness.

Business Case vs. Business Plan Research

is no better way to ensure success in business than having comprehensive business documents. Although the old school of thought can tell that success in business rests with the entrepreneur, modern research and studies have shown that a business requires both a business case and business plan for success. However, a business may not stand to gain much from the mission-critical documents without understanding them. Comprehensive understanding of the documents requires differentiating them and knowing their application areas.

Business plan
A business plan is among the most important business components. A business plan is an important roadmap through which success in an organization will be achieved. It helps to evaluate business goals, comprehensive reasons why the goals are achievable, and plan for achieving the goals. A business plan documents the future of a business and where the business is headed. A business plan is not complicated as many would have thought. It ranges from a few sentences to hundred pages. However, as much as it will be simple, the few-sentence business should have a detailed business strategy for the future. Therefore, there is no standard way of writing a business plan (DeBoer, 1998).

It is clear that the size of a business plan does not matter according to the above description. However, the business plan should have some formal sections such as title page. Such formal sections will enable understanding and acting on the business plan. Furthermore, a business plan should have three important sections of business concepts, marketplace, and financiers. Such is a successful business plan that is likely to get approved in case it is necessary. The above three sections are further divided into (Viana, 1990):

Executive summary
Organization and management
Funding request
Company Description
Product line
Financial projections
Market analysis
Market sales
A business plan may focus on changes in company’s perception and branding by the customer. If the existing business would like to carry out a major change or would like to have a new line of product or service, it requires a business plan for at least three years. The investors are likely to expect a return on their investment after that period. A business plan can either be external or internal (Viana, 1990).

Business Case
Besides the business plan, there is a business case that may look similar. However, a business case is a comprehensive persuasion prepared by a company’s department or another unit of the company to help in justification of a proposed project by anticipated income. Therefore, a business case helps to capture the reasons for initiating and funding a certain project within the company. It should be presented well and in written document. However, it may be presented verbally or in presentations. A business case works in such logic that an organization’s resource such as money should not be consumed without going to support a particular business need. A comprehensive business case should adequately capture both quantifiable and non-quantifiable features of a proposed project. A business case depends on the attitude and volume of the business (Carroll, 2010).

Project management methodologies require comprehensive and highly structured business cases. Therefore, business cases range from comprehensive and highly structured to informal and brief. Formal business cases include information that also serves as the project background, the anticipated business profits, other options, anticipated costs, gap analysis, and risks involved in the project. The business case project team should also consider doing nothing as an option, but it should include the risks and costs of doing nothing. The company then derives the justification of the project from the above information. It should be noted that business case is not prepared and developed by the project manager. The business case is prepared and developed by the stakeholders and the project sponsors. The business case is argued regarding cost-benefit analysis. The cost-benefit analysis includes both financial and non-financial costs and benefits. The cost-benefit analysis helps the business to have understanding and account of environmental benefits thereby understanding economic effects in details (Hart, 2000).

Similarities between Business Plan and Business Case
Both are mission-critical business tools with an aim of bringing success to the business. Their implementation requires approval by the company’s management if they are to proceed to the next stage. They are also comprehensive and have several divisions thereby making them formal. Unavailability of any of the components may make the management disapprove the documents by the lack of details. Although they may look different, they look to seize an opportunity in the market whose achievement may propel the business to the next business level thereby making the business gain competitive advantage (Boehler, 2009).

Both documents should be developed adaptable. It means that they should be tailored to both the size and risk of the business proposal. Additionally, they are business oriented in that they are focused on the impact and capabilities of the business as opposed to focusing on the technical side of the business (Boehler, 2009).

Differences between Business Plan and Business Case
There are as many differences as similarities between the two business documents. A business plan covers the whole business. Therefore, business plan impacts are felt in the whole business. On the other hand, a business case addresses a single line of product or department. Therefore, its impacts are felt along that product or in that department. A business case also gives room for choices in case the proposed choice is not considered. However, this is not true with a business plan(Walker, 2002).

The two documents are different in what they aim to achieve during their developments. A business helps to give explanations about the company by giving facts and figures where necessary. A business case is driven by the need to implement a project in the organization. Therefore, a business case helps the business in reaching certain goals and objectives by focusing on the current state of the company and how it can be improved. A business plan is about planning for the business now and in the future (Walker, 2002).

There are more about the business case and business plan than what the paper has discussed. However, it was worth to have knowledge of the two mission-critical business documents. There is the need for more research in the areas to unearth more information about them. Although the discussions in this paper may not be detailed, it can be used by organizations that would like to have an understanding how they can strategize for their businesses using the two documents.

Business policy and strategy

Summary of McDonald’s strategies and performance

The McDonalds Corporation is a successful global restaurant that operates chains around the globe. The organization has employed global expansion and effective management strategies to enter new markets and gain a share of the diverse, fast food market. It is clear that McDonalds has achieved this massive success. The business has established best practices in the global food industry. However, it has also experienced international growth challenges trends in the recent past. These factors have seen the company perform poorly in its different businesses in both local and foreign nations. (Mourdoukoutas, 2013)

One of the strategies employed by McDonalds is the creation of both customer and brand loyalty for its products and services. Right from the beginning, the founder, Ray Kroc ensured that the French fries customers bought in one restaurant would be similar to another McDonald restaurant by developing a sophisticated operating and delivery system. He proved himself an industrial pioneer who revolutionized the American restaurant industry by imposing discipline on the production of milkshakes, hamburgers, and French fries. The consistency made McDonald’s the brand name that defined American fast food. In the restaurant industry, the McDonald’s is well known for high-quality foods and services evident in the quantity of customers they serve. The making of a uniform and consistent product for customers is one of the most important aspects of McDonald’s success. (Beef Central, 2015)

Irrespective of where customers purchase their products, once they see the ever-present “golden arches” they know exactly they are expected to get. McDonald’s Mission Statement has helped the business to focus on what really matters both to itself and to stakeholders. It has acted as a guide to strategic and routine operational decisions. In addition, it represents the glue that binds all the franchises under the organization together. Another strategy employed by McDonalds is rapid expansion. Right from the beginning, McDonalds expanded by franchising. By 1960, more than 200 McDonald’s outlets were operational. McDonald’s Corporation has been recording declining sales and profits both in its local and foreign businesses. On the other hand, competitors have been formulating strategies to attract more customers to their business. In 2015, McDonald’s reported 30% drop in profit and 11% decrease in revenue for the first three months of the year. It announced hundreds of store closings. The company has been trying to fix its problems particularly in the U.S market that generates 40% of its profit. It is simplifying its menu to appeal to its customers. It is testing all-day breakfast and has slowed down service and focused efforts on reducing errors in orders. (Mourdoukoutas, 2013)

The reality is that McDonald’s recent performance has been poor. In 2015 first quarter, the company recorded US$5.6 billion in global revenue down from $6.7 Billion in 2014 first quarter. The net income recorded amounted to $ 811 million down from $1.2 billion in the year 2013. Part of the business expenses arose from charges linked to restaurant closures. In the US and Canada, 220 restaurants were closed as well as 130 in Japan. The company is expected to close other 350 restaurants worldwide to avoid further loses. McDonald’s largest division in the United States saw a decrease in sales of up to 2.6% reflecting low customer traffic and negative sales amidst high competition. (Mourdoukoutas, 2013)

The operating income decreased by 11% as a result of weak sales and restructuring and closing activities. In its Europe’s division, the business experienced a decline in sales of 0.6%. First quarter operating income decreased by 20% partly as a result of currency and inflation pressures in Russia and continuing macroeconomic pressures facing much of Europe The business’s Pacific, Asia, Middle East and African divisions saw first quarter sales decrease by 8.3%. Asia region had a prolonged impact of consumer perception issues particularly in Japan over food safety breaches. The operating income in these regions decreased due to restaurant closing in response to poor performance.